Why Do LEDs Flicker on Camera?

Why Do LEDs Flicker on Camera

Capturing stunning visuals is the essence of photography and videography. However, when using LEDs on camera, you may have noticed an annoying flickering issue that can disrupt the quality of your footage. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the depths of why LEDs flicker on camera and equip you with the knowledge to overcome this challenge. Understanding the causes behind LED flickering is essential for creating captivating visuals that truly shine.

Why Do LEDs Flicker on Camera?

LEDs can flicker on camera due to a mismatch between the camera’s frame rate and the LED’s frequency. This disparity causes the pulsating nature of LED light to become noticeable.

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Understanding LEDs and Their Operation

LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are more than just a trendy lighting option—they are technological marvels. These tiny semiconductor devices emit light when an electric current passes through them, producing vibrant illumination for a wide range of applications. Their working principle, known as electroluminescence, involves the movement of electrons within the semiconductor material, resulting in the emission of light. LEDs offer numerous advantages over traditional lighting sources, such as incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. They are highly energy-efficient, have a longer lifespan, and provide greater versatility in terms of color options and control.

The Camera’s Frame Rate and LED Frequency Mismatch

To understand why LEDs flicker on camera, we must first explore how cameras capture images. Cameras operate by recording a series of frames per second, commonly referred to as the framerate. Each frame represents a single image frozen in time. Now, imagine the LED’s light output as a rhythmic dance of rapid pulses. The frequency of these pulses can vary depending on the LED’s design and manufacturer. The mismatch between the camera’s frame rate and the LED’s frequency leads to a dissonance, causing flickering to manifest in your footage. The inconsistent synchronization between the camera and the LED’s pulsating nature is the root cause of this perplexing phenomenon.

Root Causes of LED Flickering on Camera

Several factors contribute to the flickering of LEDs when captured on camera. The most prominent causes include:

Incompatibility between Camera Frame Rate and LED Frequency: The camera’s frame rate and the LED’s frequency need to be in sync for seamless visuals. When these two elements clash, the resulting conflict creates noticeable flickering.

Power Source Irregularities: Instabilities in the power supply can have a significant impact on LED performance. Voltage fluctuations or using incompatible dimmers can introduce flickering issues, as they disrupt the steady flow of power to the LEDs.

PWM Dimming and its Role in LED Flickering: Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a popular method used for dimming LEDs. By rapidly turning the LED on and off, the brightness is adjusted. However, if not properly implemented, PWM dimming can introduce visible flickering when captured on camera. Improper settings or low-quality dimmers can result in unsightly variations in brightness.

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Effects of LED Flicker on Visuals

The presence of LED flicker can significantly impact the quality and aesthetics of your photographs and videos. Understanding its effects will help you identify and address this issue in your visual content.

LED flicker manifests as rapid variations in brightness, causing an unpleasant strobe-like effect. These fluctuations can lead to several detrimental effects:

  1. Unstable Exposure: LED flickering can result in inconsistent exposure levels throughout your footage. Areas that are affected by flicker may appear overexposed or underexposed, creating an unbalanced visual composition.
  2. Color Inconsistency: Flickering LEDs can introduce color shifts and inconsistencies in your visuals. The rapid fluctuations in brightness can alter the perceived color temperature, making it difficult to maintain accurate color representation.
  3. Motion Artifacts: When LED flicker and camera frame rate misalign, motion artifacts can occur. These artifacts, known as rolling shutter or banding, manifest as horizontal lines or waves in your footage, detracting from its overall quality.
  4. Visual Distraction: Flickering lights can be distracting to viewers, drawing attention away from the intended subject matter. It can diminish the professionalism and impact of your visual content.

To identify LED flickering in your captured footage, carefully review your videos and images. Look for irregularities in brightness and color consistency across frames. Pay attention to areas where the light is changing or flickering rapidly. These visual cues will help you pinpoint the presence of LED flicker and take the necessary steps to mitigate it.

Mitigating LED Flicker on Camera

Fortunately, there are effective measures you can take to minimize or eliminate LED flickering when using them on camera. Let’s explore some tried-and-true techniques:

Synchronization Methods: One approach is to synchronize the camera’s frame rate with the LED’s frequency. By adjusting the frame rate to match the LED’s pulsations, you can achieve harmony between the two, resulting in flicker-free visuals. Experiment with different frame rates and observe the impact on LED flicker.

Utilizing External Lighting Controllers or Drivers: External lighting controllers or drivers are purpose-built devices designed to regulate LED lighting systems. These controllers offer advanced features such as constant current output and frequency adjustments, allowing you to fine-tune the lighting to avoid flickering. Invest in high-quality controllers that are compatible with your LED setup for optimal results.

Proper Power Supply Considerations: To minimize power-related flickering issues, ensure a stable power supply for your LEDs. Invest in high-quality power sources that deliver consistent voltage and current. Avoid using incompatible or low-quality dimmers that can introduce flicker-inducing power irregularities.

Combining these mitigation techniques can significantly reduce LED flicker on camera, enhancing the overall quality of your visual content.

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Best Practices for Capturing Flicker-Free Visuals

As a photographer or videographer, there are additional best practices you can follow to minimize the chances of LED flicker in your captures:

  • Adjusting Camera Settings: Pay attention to your camera’s settings to mitigate flickering effects. Increase the shutter speed to minimize the likelihood of capturing flickering lights. Fine-tune the aperture and ISO settings to compensate for changes in lighting caused by flickering.
  • Testing the Lighting Setup: Before a shoot, thoroughly test your lighting setup for potential flickering issues. Check for compatibility between your camera, lighting, and dimming equipment. Run a short test recording to identify any flickering problems and make necessary adjustments.
  • Avoiding Incompatible Dimmers or Power Sources: Use dimmers and power sources that are known to be compatible with your specific LED lighting system. Incompatible or low-quality equipment can introduce flickering problems.

By following these best practices, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of LED flicker in your visual content, ensuring a seamless and professional result.


In conclusion, LED flickering on camera can pose challenges for photographers and videographers seeking to capture high-quality visuals. Understanding the causes behind this issue empowers you to take appropriate measures to mitigate and overcome LED flicker. By synchronizing the camera’s frame rate with the LED’s frequency, utilizing external lighting controllers, and ensuring proper power supply considerations, you can create flicker-free photography and videography experiences.

Remember, addressing technical challenges such as LED flickering contributes to the overall quality and professionalism of your visual content. Apply the solutions provided in this guide and embrace the art of capturing stunning visuals without the distraction of flickering lights. Let your creativity shine through!

LED Flicker on Camera – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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